Tag Archives: Obligations

Standing Up

Watching Simone Biles
Saying “no” for her own health
Gives my choices light

Thoughts on a Monday

I woke on Monday
Still vexed from the weekend’s thief
The bandit called chores

Seasonal Swap

Winter’s deterrents
Crashed last-minute lists for years
Until spring drops in

Checking the Box

I chase my to-dos
Batting cobwebs and fresh flames
I silence guilt’s voice

Fall Tasks

It’s time – fall chore list
Rake leaves, rate photos – day gone
Deadlines are looming

Dating Anniversary

Just like normal days
The whiteboard peppered with tasks
Some just won’t get done


9 PM Friday
We stop packing, talked taxes
The damage is known

Trend Data

I tag some blog posts
I see a really bad trend
Too much work, where’s life?

Oscars 2013

Years ago we slaved
Over the guests, menu, house
Now, it’s just a show

Playing Catch-Up

Sunday slipped by
Until it was my bedtime
To-dos delayed it