Tag Archives: Birthdays

Dad’s 75th

A FaceTime dinner
Our birthday quarantine fix
For Trump’s denial

Birthday Snow Delay

Snow and ice flew in
For my mom’s seventy-fifth
And kept us at bay

Parental Procrastination

An hour from midnight
We wrap our daughter’s last gift        
You’d think we could plan

Unwanted Visitor

As we track the storm
We light the birthday candles
Before snow busts in

Another Snowy Birthday

The last birthday in
April brought the biggest snow
And then we shoveled

Mid-40’s Revelation

Clocks and structure choke
My core so we must cut ties
So my thoughts can roam

Serial Birthdays

All our birthdays clump
April, summer and year end
We follow the path

Family Birthdays

We gather and eat
That’s what my people do well
More sugar – “Of course!”

Mom’s Birthday Gathering

Winter wind blew in
A day past her sixty eigth
Most of us were there


Our Monday crashed in
Broke up the party mindset
Jolted back to life