Category Archives: Uncategorized

Change Again

A new air steps in
And shoves our trajectory
We pivot again

Leaving California

We leave them behind
Follow Delta’s long path home
Thanks for stunning friends 

College Transition for Both

Last college dropoff
Moves us to remote parent
And that works for us


A day in Boston
We found a Matisse for sale
Pondered tuition

Work Trip Overnight Detour

Flying in circles
Chicago to MSP
End up in Green Bay

Shoe Trust Broken

The cute new shoes struck
Rubbing blisters left and right 
And still got gate checked


Friday night cocktails
Celebrates the cherished point
Where the clock hushes

Spring Break Goodbye

The schedule was known
But saying goodbye still stings
Two month clock starts now

Art with Commentary

The art comes alive
Through simple audio blurbs
No one else exists

Day Choices

We called it a day
Lounging beat out quest for new
Was it age or sloth?