Tag Archives: Goals


This year’s synopsis
Starved for science and justice
We watched from our homes

2016 Plan in Three Words

Three words: optimize,
Discover, challenge drive this
Year’s improvement plan

Sunday Treat

We hid from the clock
Drifted through Sunday’s current
Goalless and happy

Lost Routines

I lost the pattern
That checks off my daily goals
I try to rebuild

Moment in Time

Zeroed out email
Empty inbox at day’s end
How long will it last?

Lost Friday

Busy doing “stuff”
Things that don’t move me forward
To the next challenge

2011 Goals

  1. Manage my time – do less but have it mean more
  2. Write – daily recap via haiku and get the darn book to done
  3. Read – read at least 40 books this year
  4. Find more time for friends and focused time for family and Adam
  5. Live every moment to the fullest – quit multi-tasking
  6. Cook – eat well at home with the family.
  7. Simplify – declutter and streamline
  8. Capture the moments – words, pictures and video
  9. Personalize home with pictures, artwork, special areas.
  10. CREATE, CREATE, CREATE – quit conforming

2010 Goals – Results

2010 Goals Results

Goal: I was able to take the last two weeks of the year off to reset. It took me a while to get out of the normal schedule. Sadly, my sleeping never got back on track. I could only sleep 5-6 hours a night. I do need to get this back on track this year.

Result: I still have sleep issues this time of year – I will not try to fix it, but I accept it and try to use the time to do something of significance.

1. 2010 is the year of the declutter: We don’t have a lot of stuff, but we have enough where I can’t find things, driving me bonkers. I had a meltdown on New Year’s Day when I couldn’t find the sewing machine manual, and since I haven’t sewn since 7th grade, this was a big deal. I will go through every drawer, every bookcase, every box, every closet, and anything else I see. If things are broken, then they will be repaired. This effort also includes emails, digital files, and online presence (linked in, website, Facebook, Twitter). It’s a BAG, but I need to start working towards it to stop wasting time and energy sorting through the muck.

Result: Started and made some progress. This will be a big part of 2011 as well. We did go through some kitchen areas that were pain points, our closets, kids’ rooms, some of the basement, switched out living room furniture, took down an end-of-life tree, cleaned out the office, and had a garage sale. Feeling good but acknowledging that we still have much to do.

  1. 2. Expand workout routine to include weights at least once a week. I started running two years ago. Last

year, I added the My Fitness Coach for the Wii. I ended up the year doing these two things 4-6 times a week
for 45 minutes each time. I usually work out at 5 a.m., finishing it before work. The last couple of weeks have been off quite a bit, but I did enjoy the break from the schedule. Once the work year starts, I’ll be on the treadmill of the daily routine. My stretch goal would be to do weights twice a week.

Result: Worst goal achievement of the year. In the first part of the year, I was interviewing for a few jobs, and if I’m thinking about stuff, I can’t run on a treadmill. Then, in April or May, my back was killing me. Come to find out, I had a bulging disc. That took me out for most of the year. If I had done the recommended exercises, I would have been better much earlier. I was in a rut and pain. I retreated and tried to sleep it off.

3. Use our media better. I want to compile a video recap of 2009 using the footage we shot last year. It may be a short recap, but I need to start somewhere. I also want to go back and do photo books for 2003-2007. We started doing the Apple books last year. It would be nice to have the series complete for the years that the kids are around.

Result: Video is challenging for me. I did take some training on Final Cut Express, but I need to actually do something with it all. This was a big miss last year. I am getting stuck on video storage and feel stressed out about the storage of video. This area will continue to be on my resolution list until I’m producing something. The pictures went better. I put together the first annual album for each kid. Now I need to write up some text for years 1-2. Sadly, my memory appears to be shot, so trying to remember what they did back then, it not so easy. Until I am caught up, this, too, will be part of my annual to-do lists.

4. Decorate the house more. We need to update pictures of the kids and put artwork up on the bare walls. I want more tables/bookshelves to display and store things better. Our house has minimal wall space, so the opportunity for tables and flat surfaces is somewhat limited.

Result: Pictures are still not on the walls, but we have made huge progress in living room furniture (we gave friends our old furniture set and bought a daybed and couch). We also rearranged our office and purchased a bookshelf for the dining room. Now, that bookcase houses cookbooks. I love having them more accessible. We bought new concrete. There is nothing more satisfying than writing the check for more concrete. We have a lot to go.

5. Enjoy free time more to set targets and work to get them done, but during the other time, completely check and have fun. I have spent most of my time catching up (RSS, emails, laundry, etc.). I need to carve out time for relaxing and enjoying family time more. We played Clue yesterday, and we had a blast. I need to make sure that those times continue even after I get back into work mode.

Result: Epic Fail – I feel more rushed and disconnected than ever. Better luck next year.

2010 Goals

I could take the last two weeks of the year off to reset. It took me a while to get out of the normal schedule. Sadly, my sleeping never got back on track. I could only sleep 5-6 hours a night. I do need to get this back on track this year. This brings up the topic of my New Year’s Resolutions. I have had previous ones about writing more, cooking more, etc. This year, I am putting these goals on the back burner and focusing on some other things that might be in the way, as well as some that are continuing in previous years.

1. 2010 – the year of the declutter: We don’t have a lot of stuff, but we have enough where I can’t find things, driving me bonkers. I had a meltdown on New Year’s Day when I couldn’t find the sewing machine manual, and since I haven’t sewn since 7th grade, this was a big deal. I will go through every drawer, every bookcase, every box, every closet, and anything else I see. If things are broken, then they will be repaired. This effort also includes emails, digital files, and online presence (linked in, website, Facebook, Twitter). It’s a BAG,  but I need to start working towards it to stop wasting time and energy sorting through the muck.

2. Expand workout routine to include weights at least once a week. I started running two years ago. Last year, I added the My Fitness Coach for the Wii. I ended up the year doing these two things 4-6 times a week for 45 minutes each time. I usually work out at 5 a.m., finishing it before work. The last couple of weeks have been off quite a bit, but I did enjoy the break from the schedule. Once the work year starts, I’ll be on the treadmill of the daily routine. My stretch goal would be to do weights twice a week.

3. Use our media better. I want to compile a video recap of 2009 using the footage we shot last year. It may be a short recap, but I need to start somewhere. I also want to go back and do photo books for 2003-2007. We started doing the Apple books last year. It would be nice to have the series complete for the years that the kids are around.

4. Decorate the house more. We need to update pictures of the kids and put artwork up on the bare walls. I want more tables/bookshelves to display and store things better. Our house has minimal wall space, so the opportunity for tables and flat surfaces is somewhat limited.

5. Enjoy free time more – set targets and work to get them done, but thoroughly check and have fun during the other time. I have spent most of my time catching up (RSS, emails, laundry, etc.). I need to carve out time for relaxing and enjoying family time more. We played Clue yesterday, and we had a blast. I need to ensure that those times continue even after I get back into work mode.

So, that sums up my goals; I will check back on the progress. It will be a very good year, and hopefully, I will be in a better place at the start of 2011 to take on the goals I have been struggling with the last few years.