Category Archives: Haiku

Fast Turnaround

Our cat sitter bailed
Two friends swiftly volunteer
We step through cat notes

Ben Folds Paper Airplane Request Tour

Night at the Ordway
To the lady behind me
Here for Ben, not you

Alex’s Quick Stop

With a bum ankle
She made her twin cities rounds
Next up, back to school

Friday Night Rules

Friday happy hour
When we concoct food and drinks
We’re not leaving home

It’s Always the Choice

Decision stalled us
We shared a chair and Googled
Then walked to our fave

Fall Break at Home

Return of one kid
The cats barely acknowledge
They’re cold-shouldering

Debate Improvement

Politics as sport
Each team takes turns within time
Why not flags for lies?

Giving Monday the Keys

I let the day drive
Quick turns, hills, bumps, construction
Reveled in the change

Shopping Pre-work

Remember shopping?
Walked in, looked, picked, and purchased
Now, must research first

A Choice?

We blast through stories
Then blow through vintage pictures
Notice missing peeps