Monthly Archives: February 2014

The Call

He didn’t feel great
But went to school on test day
Took test, then threw up

Family Photos

I scanned each photo
Lots of the firstborn’s birthday
I was born second

Drinks at Four

Cold walk then chilled beer
Small town tales, random theories
Warming up winter

Ulysses Progess

I lose my footing
As I turn pages, word s swirl
Meaning floats away

Ticking Clock

The clock neared midnight
My haiku was stuck somewhere
Must nab that rascal

Bookstore Pull

Super Bowl shopping
A family tradition
This year trapped by books

Family Archives

Our pictures were sprawled
WWII then 80’s hair
The story unfolds

Remote Collaboration

Tripping on squashed thoughts
Reach for my mentor through text
Launch our word spin game