Monthly Archives: February 2014

Balmy Shoveling

The cold ran away
But doused us in crystal tears
I shoveled in warmth

Man’s Search for Meaning

Funny how a book
That was written years ago
Means so much today

February Request

It is decided
I am sufficiently cold
And would like spring now

Quick Valentines Save

Cake came from a box,
Slathered canned frosting painted
Valentines red pomp

Coffee Timing

I wait for my coffee
The house is empty, kids gone
My day’s starting block

Holding the Door

I spot the school bus
8 minutes early, the kids
Scramble while cats watch

Going Away Happy Hour

Years ago we built
Our own way of how we work
Now new paths greet us

Backward Reach

A phone call brought back
Episodes from years ago
We chose – laugh or cry

The Ulysses Adventure

Its flow pulled me in
I gripped the inflated words
Swirled through churned musings

Saturday Free Time

The neglected house
Schemed a sick child plea, we’re trapped
The pigsty cries out