Monthly Archives: December 2014

Winter Walk

It was zero out
The iced air sliced my eyebrows
In just a few blocks

Not Working

Ah, December break
I get to lounge all day long
Work is far away

Tween Laundry

The floor grips her clothes
Floor fuzzy with muck and gunk
Clothes still wet from wash

Evil Joke Box

Screaming kid wakes me
ER? Wait – fake nail through thumb
Classic joke antics

December 26th

A day in jammies
After the holiday dash
I become a sloth

Christmas Sounds

Outside is silent
Life moves inside for a day
Gift wrap rips, time slows

Seasonal Swap

Winter’s deterrents
Crashed last-minute lists for years
Until spring drops in

Local Shops

I snub the chain stores
And shop classic Uptown haunts
Dodge retail machines

Truth Karma

He honestly won
After confessing to cheating
In every past game

Soggy December

Rain melts the fall’s snow
Douses the postcard Christmas
How are sleighs in mud?