Monthly Archives: January 2010

2010 Goals

I could take the last two weeks of the year off to reset. It took me a while to get out of the normal schedule. Sadly, my sleeping never got back on track. I could only sleep 5-6 hours a night. I do need to get this back on track this year. This brings up the topic of my New Year’s Resolutions. I have had previous ones about writing more, cooking more, etc. This year, I am putting these goals on the back burner and focusing on some other things that might be in the way, as well as some that are continuing in previous years.

1. 2010 – the year of the declutter: We don’t have a lot of stuff, but we have enough where I can’t find things, driving me bonkers. I had a meltdown on New Year’s Day when I couldn’t find the sewing machine manual, and since I haven’t sewn since 7th grade, this was a big deal. I will go through every drawer, every bookcase, every box, every closet, and anything else I see. If things are broken, then they will be repaired. This effort also includes emails, digital files, and online presence (linked in, website, Facebook, Twitter). It’s a BAG,  but I need to start working towards it to stop wasting time and energy sorting through the muck.

2. Expand workout routine to include weights at least once a week. I started running two years ago. Last year, I added the My Fitness Coach for the Wii. I ended up the year doing these two things 4-6 times a week for 45 minutes each time. I usually work out at 5 a.m., finishing it before work. The last couple of weeks have been off quite a bit, but I did enjoy the break from the schedule. Once the work year starts, I’ll be on the treadmill of the daily routine. My stretch goal would be to do weights twice a week.

3. Use our media better. I want to compile a video recap of 2009 using the footage we shot last year. It may be a short recap, but I need to start somewhere. I also want to go back and do photo books for 2003-2007. We started doing the Apple books last year. It would be nice to have the series complete for the years that the kids are around.

4. Decorate the house more. We need to update pictures of the kids and put artwork up on the bare walls. I want more tables/bookshelves to display and store things better. Our house has minimal wall space, so the opportunity for tables and flat surfaces is somewhat limited.

5. Enjoy free time more – set targets and work to get them done, but thoroughly check and have fun during the other time. I have spent most of my time catching up (RSS, emails, laundry, etc.). I need to carve out time for relaxing and enjoying family time more. We played Clue yesterday, and we had a blast. I need to ensure that those times continue even after I get back into work mode.

So, that sums up my goals; I will check back on the progress. It will be a very good year, and hopefully, I will be in a better place at the start of 2011 to take on the goals I have been struggling with the last few years.